The fees are now due for this season and forms are available in the clubhouse. The Committee are hand delivering as many as they can but, if you don’t recieve yours it can be collected from the club. The club will be open for payments on the following dates and times.
Friday 31st March 7pm-11pm
Tuesday 4th April 2pm-4pm
Thursday 6th April 2pm-4pm
Friday 7th April 7pm-11pm
Saturday 8th April 2pm-4pm
Tuesday 11th April 2pm-4pm
Thursday 13th April 2pm-4pm
Friday 14th April 2pm-4pm
Saturday 15th April 1pm-2pm
Please remember to include all details on the form, your address, postcode, telephone numbers and email address.
Gent’s Opening Day
There is a form on the notice board for the above. Please append your name and selection from the menu. There is a form on the ladies board for anyone who wishes to join the gent’s for the meal and entertainment later