144th A.G.M. 16th March 2023.

The meeting began at 7pm, with a minutes silence for those members who had passed. President J Bruce then gave his remarks as to his year in office and was warmly applauded. He highlighted the current plight of our club and expressed the urgency of changing things for the better or we would suffer further. The members who attended were given a reality check and told that we need to increase footfall to the club, which in turn increases revenue. Ideas were suggested from the members and committee with a view to addressing the issues. We will be having a recruitment drive (more on this later). The treasurer gave his report which produced questions from the floor. These were dealt with rationally by  the treasurer and auditor. The members were let know in real terms that if we had not recieved funding during the Pandemic, we may have ceased trading. The treasurer gave his recommendations as to the way forward and expressed that even if the fees were set at the Commitees recomendations, we may find ourselves in deficit at the end of the financial year. There was some resentment to the proposals put forward but the majority of the members understood what was necessary.

President, Vice President and new office bearers were elected and installed before we moved on to the fees for season 2023. The Committee recomended fees including competition entry and Cabaret voucher. There were 2 counter proposals and voting commenced. The Committee recomendation beat both counter proposals unanimously and was passed. Two new categories for members were proposed and passed. All other categories remain the same.

The President gave a vote of thanks to all in attendance and closed the meeting at 9.15pm.

Reality ckecks are never easy but we all have a responsibility to keep the club functioning and footfall and attendance at club functions has to increase.


Glenn Ranson



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