Joker Update

20/12/24 Won by Val Houston, joker not found.

27/12/24 Won by Philip Millard, joker not found.

03/01/25 Won by Caroline Lee, joker not found.

10/01/25 Won by Tom Keenan, joker not found.

Funeral Arrangements

We have been advised that  Jim Spence a member of a number of years, died over the holiday period.  Jim’s funeral will be on Friday, 17th at 11.15 in Maisonhill Crematorium, the family have offered a warm welcome to any club member who would like to attend.

Margaret Tanner


Prestwick Bowling Club

Social Events Update

25 January – Scottish Quiz and Music (Free)

21 February (Friday) – President’s Farewell, Music by Neal Angus (includes Freddie Mercury tribute)

29 March – Boogie Bingo

16 May – Shannon Bryden

Joker Update

15/11/24 Won by Robert Corrigan, joker not found.

22/11/24 Won by Laura Gilchrist, joker not found.

29/11/24 Won by Sheila Kerr, joker not found.

06/12/24 Won by Alex Kerr, joker found, congratulations Alex!

Ladies Tuesday Group

The Ladies Tuesday Group welcomed Frank Tanner to the club yesterday. Frank’s talk was called ‘The Bees Knees’ and told the story of an American dancer called Beatrice, who in the roaring 20s choreographed the dance we now know as the Charleston. She came over to the UK (London) and introduced the British to this new dance. He gave another small talk on Summer and how the weather/seasons have changed since he was young. The ladies thoroughly enjoyed Frank’s talk. Next week it’s Catch Up. Elaine will be selling her jewellery so you might be able to buy the perfect Xmas gift! Hope to see you next Tuesday.

Carpet Bowls 2024

A new reorganised fixture list for carpet bowls is now up on the notice board in the link corridor. Teams should organise their games as and when it suits their opposition.

Any problems contact Jim Bruce 2.

Ladies Tuesday Group

It was quiz week at the Ladies Tuesday Group. Many thanks to Helena who provided the questions and congratulations to our winners, new members Lyndsey and Angela. A big thank you to Anne and Janet for providing tea and cake.  Hope to see you all next week.