Return To Green

The Greens will open on Monday 22nd June.


We would remind members that once the greens open the balance of subscriptions are required to be paid.

If paying by cash someone will be available to collect this on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday between

2pm and 4 pm;  if by cheque, this can be posted through the letterbox.

All clubhouse facilities (including toilets) will remain closed until further notice.

Members should not cluster within clubhouse (if collecting bowls you should enter singly and keep a safe distance).

Should you wish to play, bowls etc. should be removed from the locker rooms.

Collection of bowls can be arranged by contacting  07484 195605

There will be no friendlies, internal competitions/club ties or external matches whatsoever.

There will be no spectating (unless you are a carer or accompanying a 16 yr. old and under), smoking (including vapours) or use of benches or litter bins.

Players (or anyone in their household) who show covid-19 symptoms, self isolating or shielding should not attend the club.

Those 70 and over can play but those who have health issues should remain at home until government guidelines change.

Players should only play individually, with members of their own household or between members of two households where social distancing can be maintained.

It is recommended a maximum of 4 people (1 Pairs Game) can play per rink at one time.

Only alternate rinks will be in use.

Players must bring their own hand sanitiser and use this throughout play.


Before Play

A booking system will be in place with 30 minutes between sessions to minimise the number of players

arriving and leaving at any one time and allow for any shared equipment to be sanitised.

There will be 3 rinks available on front green and 2 on back green. The number of the rink allocated to you

can be viewed through the window at front of club.  Length of game will be 1hr.30mins. with 30 mins.

between each session.  There will be no score boards.   The only marking will be for rinks.

It is advised that players do not arrive until 5 minutes before play and must stay outside the parameters of the club until safe to enter and previous players have left.

Bookings should be made at least one day in advance by telephoning 07484 195605 between 1-3pm or 6-8pm.


During Play

  1. Players should use separate mats and jacks, however if not possible, whichever player collects the mats and jack is responsible for all contact with the equipment, during and after the game.

Disinfectant spray will be made available. Players must use the disinfectant spray after each game to cleanse all mats and jacks (ensure these are completely dry before use on the green again).

As a suggestion jacks or mats can be set short, medium or long by the same player after each end rather than rolling the jack down the rink for position.

  1. A maximum of 4 people (1 pairs game) can be played together

iii.  The 2m social distancing rule must always be observed on and off the green.

  1. Other bowls equipment cannot be shared between players (e.g. cloths, measures etc).
  2. Players should always practice safe hygiene
  3. Players should not
  4.  Pick up any other players bowl outwith your own rink
  5. Share equipment outwith your rink – e.g. cloths, measure etc.

iii.  Moisten their hands with saliva before delivery

  1. Shake hands, high-five or have any physical contact with other people on the green

(outwith their household).

After Play

  1. Players make sure they have sanitised the mats, jacks and their hands at conclusion of play and leave the premises immediately.


As there will be limited space on the green we would ask members to show patience and consideration.

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