The Drummond Trophy

Saturday 13th May saw the traditional first mixed club competition of the 2023 bowling season. The Drummond Trophy was competed for by 20 couples playing either am or pm and the winning pair from each session playing in the final. Both sessions consisted of 6 games of 3 ends and after the scores were tallied, the morning session was won by Linda Frew and Tom Mathieson. The afternoon session was won by Lesley Keenan and Robbie Fraser rather fittingly as Lesley had also competed in the am session due to a call off, and Robbie who is a very capable new member of our club. A very closely contested final over 4 ends was eventually won by Linda and Tom by a single shot.

A very nice day was had by competitors and spectators alike only spoiled by sporadic bouts of sea haar which had players wrapping up when the temperature dropped. A big thank you to the Match Secretaries, bar staff and our caterers who all did their bit to make the day very successful. A big hand to all the participants and spectators who supported the day.

Glenn Ranson



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