Fresh from the afternoon bowling activities, our seasonal entertainment kicked of in brilliant fashion with our first Saturday cabaret for quite some time and it was a huge triumph. Members and their guests had a wonderful night of music and dance provided by The Grand Central Band. To all our new members and their guests who turned up and did their bit to make it another marvellous evening, a huge thank you. Thanks to those who helped with the raffle and a big thanks to Tom and Ann Irving for the ” Pieces”. (You had to be there). It goes without saying to all our regular attendees to our social events a big thank you for your continued support.
We have a Welcome Wappenschaw this Friday evening 6pm and the next date for your social calendar is Sunday 7th May for our King’s Coronation Celebration. All members families and friends are most welcome to join us for the festivities.
Glenn Ranson
More Pics on Gallery Page.