PBC News 23rd July 2024.


Ayrshire Women’s Bowling Association District Finals – Thank
you to everyone who volunteered during this event on Monday 8 July.
The raffle raised £191 and the club was given £91. The tea, coffee and
home baking raised £81.68.

Well done to May Ferguson, Alison Granger, Eileen Philips and Margaret
Patrick for winning the rinks. The ladies will be playing in the inter
district semi-final on 5 August at Newmilns and the final will be held the
following day on the 6 August. All the very best to the ladies and it
would be great if you could come along and support the team as I’m
sure they would appreciate your support.

West of Scotland District finals – Well done to Carol Philps, Maureen
Goldie and Margaret Patrick for getting to the District finals, what a
great achievement. Unfortunately, they were pipped at the post against
the South of Scotland team when they played at Craigie BC on Sunday
21 July.

Bowls Scotland 2024 Youth Internationals – Following another 2
victories over Ireland and England, Scotland were crowned winners of
the 2024 Youth Internationals at Belmont Bowling Club (22
July).Congratulations to Emily Houston who was part of the Scottish
team. Well done, Emily and Scotland!

Visitors to the Club during August –Saltcoats BC (7 August), Paisley
Ladies Past Presidents (9 August), Tredegar BC, Wales (19 August).


Visitors during the Open Golf Tournament – It was a pleasure to
welcome 3 Spanish visitors to the club on 19 July. They had never tried
bowling before so Glenn gave them a quick lesson which they
thoroughly enjoyed. They came back the following day with another
friend to watch the competition and had a great time. Everyone made
them feel very welcome. I guess they live too far away to take out


Membership update – 124 Full (+5), 3 Life, 1 Honorary, 17
Restricted, 3 Intermediate, 17 Junior (+7), 47 non playing (+1) a total
of 212, up 13 from last month, terrific news for the club.

Prestwick Prom Day, 27 July 2024 – The club has taken a stall at
this event to promote our club to the community. Alison Linich is
leading this initiative and I’m sure further information will be
forthcoming in due course. Hopefully the weather will be good and she
can drum up some interest in joining our club.

Vice President’s trophy – 27 July 2024 – The list is up for this
competition and we would encourage all those eligible to put their name

Introduction to Lawn Bowls course – Another course will be
starting on Sunday 28 July 12.30 – 1.30 and continues on Sunday 4 and
11 August. There is a list up in the corridor notice board if you wish to
put your name down.

PBC Kitchen – Can members please refrain from entering the kitchen
when we have caterers in working? If you require something from the
kitchen I’m sure the caterers would be happy to get it for you. This is a
health & safety and more importantly an insurance issue. Thank you.

Gentle reminder– No football colours are to be worn at the club.

General repairs – Many thanks to Jim Bruce (2) for all his hard word in
painting the wooden hut. It’s looking great.
Many thanks to John Slavin for changing the barrels in the gents and
ladies lockers. What a difference this has made, so well done!

Coffee Morning Saturday10 August 10.00-12.00 – Tickets are now
on sale (£3) why don’t you invite some of your friends to come along to
enjoy the home baking. If you would like to donate some home baking
or help out, please put your name down on the pink sheets up on

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